Themes and their options

I have been moving and upgrading my sites to Zenphoto 1.6.4 though some are still on 1.6
I notice that on 1.6 I am able to use the theme options for the number of albums on a page, but in 1.6.4 and 1.6.5B, although you can alter the theme options, on save they revert, all of them, regardless of the default on the options page, to 6 albums per page.
Is this something new - given how few themes there are this is a bit limiting .
I am not a them expert though I can tweak them.
Thank you,
Richard Ball


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    That's not something that should happen and I cannot reproduce it on our site or on local 1.6.5a installs.

    You are hopefully aware of the newer transition page handling.

  • No, I am sorry - I have mistaken the one for the all - let me rephrase.

    I have one site where none of the templates allow me to change the number of albums on the page. I have re-located it on the new webserver in several different ways but this problem remains.

    I note that this site's database has a large number of 'options' records (10,437) and a large number of 'plugin_storage' records (69,229) - can I empty these tables to see if that has an effect (other than disabling the website)?

    Thank you,

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    That indicates a problem with the datatbase not working correctly causing duplicates. Compare the indexes and unique fields with those of the site working correctly via phpmyadmin. We had this before somewhere here on the forum.

    You can empty the options table but you will then loose all options (unless you only delete specicifc ones). A typical options table may have 3000+ records but normally not 10.000+…

    We have no cleanup functionality right now because of how many options are stored so we cannot validate if they are obsolete or not. On the long list for some time in the future…

  • I emptied the options and plugin_storage tables and redid them by hand and the themes now accept the number of albums per page as entered in Options menu.

    Thank you,

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Great, that you got it working! Hopefully it stays that way.

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