Help on some feature

Hi everybody, I have some questions about some goals i'm not able to achieve with the tool.
When I first install ZenPhoto and start building my portfolio I "hacked" the source php code to add those functionalities I needed (they was really quick and dirty solution to achive my goals); now I upgrade to latest version and, of course, I lost my modification. I'd like to know if there is a clear way to accomplish my needs.

I have few top-level albums that work as "categories" (like "Weddings & Parties", "Models", "Live Events & Concerts", etc...).
Inside each category I can have several different albums, for instance inside "Weddings&Parties" i can have an album for "Martha&Josh Wedding", "Claire Graduation Party", etc...

Behavior 1)
I'd like Martha and Josh can see all photos in their wedding album, but they cannot see all photos in Claire's grduation party album, just few selected photos from Claire's album.
To achieve these in the past I added a table in the database to link users to albums, in the albums only the "few selected photos" were published; users can see only published photos in any albums, but also not published photos in albums that are linked by the new table i added.

I know its rough and hard to manage (expecially when i create new albums and new users... but as I says it was a quick and dirty solution :-P)
Is there a better way to do this? How could I achieve similar behaviour with native features?

Behavior 2)
Most of the pictures in "Models" category are for sale, usually when someone want a shooting, I upload all the photos in an album, let the user to choose which one he/she wants (at this time users can only see thumbnails and "normal" pictures, but not full size image) and once user chooses the photos I enabled full size image only for those selected. This because I'd like prevent the user to freely download full image if not payed.
To achieve this I first disabled right click on normal image, I added a flag column in the database to images (to mark downloadable images), I prevented to access full size images if new flag is false, in my old theme (not more supported from new version) when users click on a normal photo it simply change to next photo in the album, the theme had a button under the photo to "view full image" that i rename "download image", I simply hide/show this button according to the flag (of course only users linked to this album via behaviour 1 were able to download marked photos)

I think this is the most hard to re-enable feature... have you any idea how to do something like this? In few words...

Behavior 3)
I added also zenchart for e-commerce, "download image" button became "add to chart" for shopping :-P

Ok, this should be easy, zenchart seems not more compatible (I cannot find it anymore in my admin pages), is there some other plugin to add shopping chart?

Thanks for any suggestions


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    First, in the future please best open one forum topic per topic and not one for three… This will get rather mixed up now…

    1) You can assign users to albums on top level albums only. Alternatively use guest users and album passwords. There is no rights management on individual image level

    2) You can disable full image access via Options > Image. You can also use related image tempalte functions to allow it on conditions.
    Alternatively you can use the downloadlist plugin for direct image downloads.

    Better than modifiying tables is perhaps to use a specific tag for marking images not yet payed.

    This will require customisation of your theme.

    For selecting images you may be able use the favorites plugin which requires the user to have a user account on your site. However favorites itself are personal to the user so not public and for anyone else to see. Via code and customisation the lists could surely be fetched.

    Sidenote: "To achieve this I first disabled right click on normal image"
    Just to mention that this quite a "stone age measure" to cripple browser standard behaviour which rather simply can be worked if someone really want to get to an image. But you surely know that ;-)

    3) We don't know about any

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