User Register

I have installed the register_user plugin, but when entering the users details, the "Save" is still greyed out and does not save and the page stays static.
I have tried both with the password showing and hidden without change.
Current version - stable.



  • AkaAndrew Member
    edited September 6

    This the error on the page ?
    An invalid form control with name='username' is not focusable. input type=​"text" id=​"username" name=​"username" value size=​"48" required>​

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    This is sadly a bug. But it is fixed in 1.6.5a already.

  • Thank you, is it an easy one to fix as I don't wish to install unstable version at this stage, can I compare files ?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    You can try to use the complete plugin from 1.6.5a, probably that works right away. But I can't say for sure as we didn't test it if any other changes are involved.

  • Thank you, copied file over and did some edits, works now.

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