no changes to album possible, and can't delete the album either

fneumeier Member
edited September 20 in General support

I ran into a weird issue where I'm not able to edit or delete a specific album, all other albums are fine.

UPDATE: SORRY, forget about it; it obviously was a very strange Cache issue ...

Here is what happened:

I added a new album and sub-albums to it (set to "unpublished");

after uploading images, do some sorting and thumbnail definition, I tried to publish the album - but after saving, the album was still unpublished;

tried to manually sort the album to a different position - but after saving, the album still was in the old position.

It seems like I can't make any changed to this album, while this issue only appears with this specific album; no similar issues with older albums/images.

So my idea was to just delete the whole album and start new; I tried to delete the new albums, but even that didn't work; well, after deleting, it does not show up anymore in the album overview; but when I click on "Anwenden", it shows up again, but still I can't do any changes to it.

I physically deleted the album's folder and cache on the server via FTP, but it still shows up, including the thumbnail images.

I already tried to re-run the Zenphoto setup, to no avial.

There are no entries in the error log either.

My next approach now would be finding a way to delete the whole album and sub-albums because the issue only appears with this specific album. So starting from scratch would probably be the fastest way to deal with the situation for now. -> Is there a way to completely delete an album from the database, manually?

Thanks and kind regards


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    The most common issue if you cannot delete an album is some file/folder permission issue.

    If you deleted the album physically via FTP there is actually no way it still can show up. Zenphoto matches the database with the file system (not the other way round!). You can of course delete an album in the database itself but that is a little cumbersome. You have to delete the album in the albums table including all possible subaalbums. And also you have to delete the images, possible tag asssignments in the related tables.

    You can do this via code, the object model of course. See the documentation about that on our site please.

    The only possibility that comes to mind if you still see outdated pages on your site is the cache. If you are not logged in and use the static_html_cache it will still show the outdated album until the

    cache is refreshed (as set on the plugin option) or cleared manually.
    Also common these days is that your browser cache may be a little to persistent and still show the old version from its cache. Chrome is specifially know for annoying with that behaviour often even weeks after things have been updated. Only forche browser refresh helps here often…

  • Thanks, yes, cache indeed was the issue. When trying in incognito mode and Firefox (instead of Chrome), the issue was gone. I just didn't think the Chrome cache could be so extremely persistent that it won't clear when loading a page with CTRL+F5 and on dynamically generated pages like the settings in the backend ... Again something learned, as our famous Lothar Matthäus once said ;-)

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    All browsers are quite persistent regarding their caches. I frequently encounter this on various sites not using ZP even if their cache plugins send headers they should update, they often just don't…

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