zenphoto install stops

Trying to install a new instance of zenphoto 1.6.4 on a website created on webserver running CPanel.
I have tried several times now and each time the installation stops at the point where it has printed out green ticks for the plugin setup.
The page source says it has got to the end of its html page.
But then nothing more.
If I then try to access the site it tells me
The site is undergoing an upgrade.
Please return later.

The very odd thing is that on another website on the same webserver Zenphoto 1.6.4. goes through its proper routine ending up creation of administrators.

Any suggestions please as to what might stop it at that point?

Thank you,
Richard Ball


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer

    Please check the debug log in the zp-data folder.

  • Thank you for the suggestion, but that install already wiped.

    I think I have solved my problem.
    This website is installed in a folder below the main URL folder and has caused me quite a bit of trouble, therefore been installed under differing folder names several times.
    I must have re-used one of these folder names - I noticed the install was labelled Re-install.
    I chose an entirely new folder name and the program installed without a problem.
    Many thanks,

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