Adding sentences in .MO/PO lang files

Can we define our own sentences in lang dictionaries.
As an update will erase Mo and Po files (zp-core/locale folder), can we create our own lang dictionaries in another folder ?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    That is currently not possible for the core. itself. But if you use a custom theme it can have its own translation as can custom plugins.

    Please see:

  • The more I use Zenphoto, the more I find it fantastic !
    I will add what I need to my theme, following your tutorials.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Thanks, glad to hear.

  • I cannot load my translation file.

    What I did : a file
    This file contains only words and sentences to translate.
    These words and sentences are used in my album.php and image.php files.
    My code to display - example, based on "next"
    <?php echo gettext("Site created in 2018"); ?>

    Then, using my terminal, I created a pot file :
    xgettext --language=PHP --from-code=UTF-8 --output=traductions.pot traductions.php

    Then, I opened this pot file using Poedit, translated my sentences, added version and author, compiled the MO
    it is located in

    Po file contains lines like
    msgid "Site created in 2018"
    msgstr "Site créé en 2018"

    I tried adding my translations in index.php, but without success :
    bindtextdomain('/themes/mytheme/traductions', DIR . '/locale');
    echo gettext("next") . "
    echo dgettext("traductions", "Site created in 2018") . "

    next is translated (Zenphoto translation), but not Site created (My translation.)
    Textdomain is Zenphoto.

    It is not clear for me how and where to add my own theme translations !

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited December 2024

    The location is wrong with /themes/mytheme/traductions/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/.

    It must be /themes/mytheme/locale/(…) and you also need to use the proper translating gettext_th() functions as also documented: A file like /theme/mytheme/traductions.php is not necessary, strings are used where they are used and parsed by Poedit for the catalogue.

  • Thank you, acrylian.

    My path was bad, and I used
    gettext instead of gettext_th !
    Now, it works (without adding bindtextdomain('/themes/mytheme/traductions', DIR . '/locale'); at the top of index.php)

    It is more simple than what I thought !

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Great, we tried to make that as simple as possible.

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