The simpler media website CMS
This is a message for kuzzzma.
I tried your admin-branding plugin, and it is useful, thank you.
It was working on my localhost machine, but not on my online server - same php version.
I searched why I got the following pink top error :
Image mylogo.png does not exist.
The plugin was not working (css was not applied).
mylogo.png was displayed !
I changed line 184 to use the absolute path in your admin-branding.php file :
$zp_adminbranding_logo = '/home2/clatique/public_html/multimedia/documents/Fichiers/design/'.getOption('adminbranding_logo-custom');
And the plugin is now working as expected on my online website !
Happy new year to everyone.
Thanks, will check.
I probably should replace FULLWEBPATH to SERVERPATH there...
Here is the French locale for your plugin :
Ok : I was editing my message to correct the link - not familiar with Daring Fireball Markdown codes !
I will contribute directly !
The link does not work. Please contribute directly on the plugin's repo instead:
@ctdlg Thanks!
Downloaded, if you can't submit via Github, I'll incorporate it myself later this month.
@kuzzma I did download a copy on your Github page last week.
I now use your css file option - great idea !
I will share my css on your Github page soon.
A must have extension now for me.
What I would like is an overlay of the admin-edit.php file that allow you to set spoilers on unused sections (or hide them) .
Admin page would be shorter to be able to focus on what we really use.