Matomo Iframe

Ralf Member

just wondering if it is the normal behaviour.
I have added the Widget Code from matomo to the widget field of the plugin (including the iframe tags).
I now have a button 'Matomo Statistic' in the backend. But when clicking on it it does not open the iframe within the "surrounding" backend. Instead it opens the dashboard in the same tab fullscreen.
Not as an iframe.

I hav already resetted the "allowed html commands" in the options of the general tab.

Do i miss something?




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited January 9

    I have to admit I haven't tried that for a long time although we also use Matomo on our site. We haven't use it because it required to be loggedin to Matamo to work back then. It shuld open within an admin page actually and that's what I see in the code. Will take another look when I get the time.

  • Ralf Member

    No problem - as you mentionend it is needed to login in Matomo first. So it is not a problem to have matomo open in another tab.
    I was just wondering why it does not open in the iframe although i am logged in.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    I think there is one setting in that code to allow the iframe content to show up without being loggedin. But not recommended to use if I recall right.

    THe full screendisplay is weird, at least parts of the admin should be there if it would be weird browser behaviour. Will try to reproduce it as soon as I can.

  • fretzl Administrator, Developer

    Not sure why this happens but there is a possible fix.

    In <path-to-matomo>/config/global.ini.php enable the enable_iframed_pages option (i.e. enable_iframed_pages = 1)

  • Ralf Member

    This would really solve the problem. But the FAQ also describes it as a possible security risk.
    Unless I activate the "token auth" (what i not plan) the iframe comes up with the login field.
    I will go with matomo itself open in a separate tab - if i want to see the stats.

    Thanks for your tips!

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