Lens and lens model metadata not being imported

I'd read about similar issues in the forum but I haven't found a solution for showing my lens model. It it listed in my photo metadata in two places (aux:Lens and exifEX:LensModel):

  <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
     <aux:LensInfo>80/1 200/1 0/0 0/0</aux:LensInfo>
     <aux:Lens>EF80-200mm f/2.8L</aux:Lens>
  <rdf:Description rdf:about=""
     <exifEX:LensModel>EF80-200mm f/2.8L</exifEX:LensModel>

Could anyone tell me how to have zenphoto import these? I'm happy to edit the .php files if necessary. Thanks!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Try the support build 1.6.6a please.

  • Thank you! Is there a single file I can update or do I need to install the complete package?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Always the complete package- careful on production sites! - as we don't test standalone usage because everything is is naturally interconnected.

  • Is the metadata you list from your image file? Because it is XMP data, not EXIF data. You might need to enable the XMP_Metadata plugin and set its option to process your image extension.

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