K-Milk Zenphoto theme question

Hi all
I really liked the K-Milk theme, and wanted to use it, so I went and tried converting it to subalbums, but I keep creating a big mess... could someone help me?

Being totally honest, I tried copying and modifying the subalbums loop from the effervescence theme.

The main page is http://www.alyssey.net/photography/

Where, whenever there are subalbums I get "Images: 0"

One of the subalbums pages is: http://www.alyssey.net/photography/index.php?album=ImogenHeap

which looks all crooked and has "comments" in it.

The next page is


Where everything looks good, but there's too much "air" at the top, and it just stays at "Photography | Zoe Keating" where it should be "Photography |Imogen Heap | Zoe Keating" and also has comments.

The code I copied from effervescence and changed was this:



Thanks everyone for your help!



  • Help? Someone? Please?
  • trisweb Administrator
    Ideally you want to actually copy the album page from the current theme, not from another theme. The classes and IDs in the effervescence theme are totally different from in KMilk.

    So, copy the album loop from the index.php into the album.php instead, and it should match a lot better.
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