RSS Feeds Not Updating on New Installation

I have a fresh install of ZenPhoto version on my own server (Ubuntu Server 12.04, if that matters) using the ZenPage theme. I can upload/view/download images and video okay. I can create comments on images and video okay as well. Basically, it seems my install is working as it should. However, the RSS feeds aren't actually picking up on any new content (comments, news articles, images, etc). When clicking on the RSS feed link, I don't see any content at all.

I've taken a look through the docs, admin option pages, and forums, but cannot see anything that I missed to enable it. I'm hoping somebody can help me track down the issue (ie. server configuration, plugin configuration, theme configuration). Maybe it's a simple checkbox that I'm missing somehow?

Thanks for your time.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    By default the rss feeds are cached and that cache is set to daily. You can delete that on the admin overview page manually or chose another another time limit or disable the cache at all. Let us know if that fixes it.

    If you still don't get any contents please look into your server error log for any errors and post them.
  • Thanks for the response.

    I looked at the RSS options and saw that the "RSS Cache" option was not enabled (unchecked). Does this mean updates should be real time? One other detail I should probably mention is that I installed it weeks ago, so it's definitely been more than a day for the cache to expire.

    So, if I were to enable RSS Cache and set it to 60 seconds, what would happen? Should I expect to see content in the RSS feeds?

    What would I look for in the error logs? I see some errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log corresponding with my gallery, but they're mostly PHP warnings about imagecreatefromjpeg() calls.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    IF the cache is disable it should be realtime. If you have a lot of readers that can of course be some workload for hte server.

    If that does not work, make sure your images etc are published and not protected, otherwise they will not show up naturally.

    If all that applies review the server error log.
  • Oh, you know what... I have the entire gallery password protected. You must authenticate as a user before you can even look at any albums. That would do it, wouldn't it?

    Are there any other ways I could keep my users informed of new images and comments?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes. It would be quite unexpected if the gallery was protected but the feeds make it public, wouldn't it?

    No, sorry. There is no way unless you mail them manually (there is a mass mail tool for users with mail addresses set) or create your own custom feed bypassing the protection.
  • Yup. Sorry... wasn't thinking straight. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
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