PHP updated to version 5.3. What do I need to do?

It sounds like a weird question, but that's the first time I am faced with this. I just received a notice that, next week, my host will upgrade PHP on most servers from 5.2.16 to 5.3.16

I know that Zp works on PHP 5.2 and 5.3, so I don't expect any compatibility issue; however as PHP is upgraded on a database that is already installed, will I need to rerun Setup?



  • Yes, setup will want to run to re-check all the settings. So long as those have not also been "updated" there should be no problems. Changes to PHP might also change things like the settings for gpc_magic_quotes, etc. so the setup check is recommended.
  • Thanks a lot
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We can also assure that ZP already works good with PHP 5.4 as well.
  • I was aware it works on more recent versions of PHP (my version of XAMPP uses PHP 5.4). I was just weary of the upgrade process.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    All right, just wanted to point it out (for other readers maybe).
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