contact form

Hi, I'm using effervescence+ and looked around the forums and notice I should be able to see and use the form but have tried to no avail. I did put <?php printContactForm(); ?> in the indexpage.php and of course it came up but I need to either have a link to it or with Create New Page (can't find that either. Surely there must be a simple way of getting it up as the rest of the software is brilliant so I'm assuming I don't understand or follow something.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There should be a option on the theme options to enable the default contact page if the plugin is enabled.
  • aha! Ok added contact to the link in themes option, plugin is enabled (well it's showing up in plugins), php mailer is there (don't know if it's needed for this) but the link/form still doesn't come up.
  • oops, I take that back. After refreshing index, it came up with just the contact form instead of gallery/album listings so I reverted back. I had used "Gallery index page link:" and chose Contact as it was the only place I found anything to do with a contact form. So still perplexed.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    My mistake. The theme does not have a contact form page option (others have, I rarely use this myself). This theme puts a "contact us" link right in the footer if the plugin is enabled directly.

    Of course if you choose it as as the index page it will appear as such.
  • Thanks. The footer (hits, theme name and powered by..)doesn't show it currently even though the plugin is enabled so I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how to "enable it directly"?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Try clearing your caches. There is no other way to enable this unless you want to link manually.
  • Thanks again. Cleared browsing history though that may not be what you meant so my last question is how do I link manually? Then you deserve to give up on me and we'll both have a drink.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I meant the browser cache and if you are using it the static html cache of Zenphoto.

    THe theme is a standard theme and it does show the link if the plugin is enabled (just tried).
    YOu have to link to a custom page if you need to do that manually and you need to do it on all theme pages you want the link. If you want to do this I suggest to read the theming tutorial first.
  • Thanks, the form plugin shows up in option so I assume it's enabled or is there another place where it has to be enabled? Thi s is getting too time consuming for both of us, sorry.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    On the current Eff+ theme it shows up if the plugin is enabeld. I just tried that. Other themes have an extra option (The Zenpage theme for example) for the link to appear or not since you can use it on a Zenpage page's codeblock as well.

    I am not that familiarwith the Eff+ theme and since it has several personalities one of theme might be missing the link in the footer. I don't remember right now. Maybe you can try them all? Also look at your server error log in case it is that somewhere.
  • Thanks again. I replied to your last entry but it disappeared somehow. I'll play a bit and end it here as you've been a saint and very patient.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No idea why your post disapeared. Nothing caught in the spam filter.
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