Joshuaink 1.1 Theme

Does anyone know how I can add the links (next .. previous) to this theme without stuffing up the layout? .. I tried <?php $number = getNumImages(); if ($number > $conf['images_per_page']) printPageListWithNav("« Previous", "Next »"); ?> and <?php printPageListWithNav("« prev", "next »"); ?> in the album code but it stuffs up or looks stupid.


  • Let me see what I can do about coming out with a new version of JoshuaInk. It's about time for an update to support sub-albums and all as well.

    I'll try and get out version 1.2 (paginated) by tomorrow evening. Then version 1.3 to support sub-albums by the end of the week or so.
  • Mem Member
    Thankyou :) Will look out for it when I am not at work :)
  • Mem,

    Sorry mate, I started coding it and I realized that this might take longer than I thought. Give me a couple more days (won't be able to work on it tomorrow as Tuesdays are my busiest days).
  • Mem Member
  • Mem Member
    This works for now

    <div id="gallerypages">
    Page One | Page Two | Page Three

  • Mem Member
    ops no it didn't *sighs* I forgot about other albums lol
  • GameDudeX-

    I added the theme as an attachment to the wiki theme page for you.

  • Thanks, I saw that. I edited the wiki too.
  • Mem Member
    Thank You will download it and take a peek :)
  • Mem Member
    Will play around with it .. all on the one page now .. was trying for next previous etc as some are going to have heaps of pics in.

    Edit - I changed the numbers that where "do not edit below this line" lol

    define ('JI_VERSION', '1.2');

    if(!PAGINATED) {
    $_zp_conf_vars['albums_per_page'] = 20;
    $_zp_conf_vars['images_per_page'] = 30;
  • The reason why I mention not to change those values, is because if you really want to edi those, you should edition in the zp-config.php file. The reason why I overwrite them in my joshuaink.php file is to make sure that the theme looks like what it's supposed to without having people change a lot in their setup for this specific theme.
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