Without tellling what error came up we cannot help you. FOr the 2nd issue check your file/folder permissions. Info about the correct ones on the troubleshooting guide.
Appreciate that. If I download a previous backup then delete the whole zen folder/installation, I should be able to reinstall zenphoto anew into the same domain shoudn't I? If I upload the backup file to the backup folder will I then have access through the new admin setup to that file to restore it?
Thanks. It wasn't a matter of not being willing just I didn't recall the original error because I went straight ahead to reinstall thinking I did something wrong with the settings. However I've deleted the lot and installed a new one in a new folder, uploaded all my albums and started again. It's done now and all works fine. Thanks for your time and patience again. I'd like to make a donation for the work you put in. The amount might be small but I'll do so regularly. Is that ok?
If I upload the backup file to the backup folder will I then have access through the new admin setup to that file to restore it?
In any case the config file is needed so the same database and such.
So you are not willing to tell the error you got so we are not able to help.