Integrate with Joomla

Hi guys, any one thought of integrating this with Joomla? or has anyone got an idea how I would do that :)



  • I am currently working on a task like this. I thought it was going to be easy using their wrapper function but in the end I am just theming it to look like my joomla theme.

    Which is really easy by the way. Joomla is a single file template system. so really.. just take the joomla template and copy the code to your zenphoto theme files (this included taking your joomla css file and putting it in zenphoto template directory) then just add the appropriate while next...... blah blah blah statements in the pathway div then just correct the spacing in css. I am almost done with mine.. nothing on a live server on the internet.. just my dev pc

    But all in all.. I didnt have much luck with the wrapper.. theming has always been easier than "integrating" for me.
  • Yes I thought of that and have done similar with a static HTML site so the gallery looks exactly as the original site does but I'd like to be able to give users (specific only) the ability to upload as well and that the user account info would be held in Joomla not in ZenPhoto - actually come to think of it does Zenphoto allow duplicate accounts?
  • no.. not as of right now.. it is admin only. There is a wordpress plugin on the forum somewhere here that maps wordpress users to zenphoto. That might be a good starting point if you were so inclined. I dont remember if it made support for just the admin or all users.. I havent really used it but I know it is out there somewhere here.
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