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This is where I'm building it:
As you can see, when you click on a thumbnail, it goes to the album.php which I don't want to use.
it will be integrated into a wordpress site later. the pictures are just test images and I still have to fine tune the widths and such.
`function getAlbumFirstImageURL() {
global $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image;
$firstimage = $_zp_current_album->getImage(0);
if (in_context(ZP_IMAGE) && $_zp_current_image->getAlbumPage() > 1) {
// Link to the page the current image belongs to.
return rewrite_path("/" . urlencode($_zp_current_album->name) . "/page/" . $_zp_current_image->getAlbumPage(),
"/index.php?album=" . urlencode($_zp_current_album->name) . "&page=" . $_zp_current_image->getAlbumPage());
} else {
return rewrite_path("/" . urlencode($_zp_current_album->name) . "/" . urlencode($firstimage->getFileName()),
"/index.php?album=" . urlencode($_zp_current_album->name) . "&image=" . urlencode($firstimage->getFileName()));
Put this in your `template-functions.php` and use `<?=getAlbumFirstImageURL();?>` to access it.