Lussumo Vanilla integration

Has anyone tried to integrate ZenPhoto into Lussumo Vanilla forums? I'd be interested in integrating at least the logins, so that my forum members wouldn't have to enter their usernames when they add a comment to a photo.

Could anyone help me achieve this?


  • trisweb Administrator
    Mmmm... vanilla... I wish I had discovered it before bbPress or this forum would be powered by it!

    I haven't heard of anyone doing any integration, but the name/email/site come from a cookie (using PHP to load them), and I'm sure you can easily load other values if they exist. The code is in `functions-controller.php` in the function `zp_handle_comment`. Just load your Vanilla user info somewhere in there (if Zenphoto is being included inside vanilla somehow of course) and set it to the global `$stored` array.

    Come to think of it, since that `$stored` array is global you can just mess with it anytime after `zp_handle_comment()` is called, like in `controller.php`. That might be more organized.

    Good luck! Let us know how it goes and/or if you need more help :)
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