Installation help

I'm new to all of this and having some difficulty.
I'm having a similar problem to another peron, but was told to post a new topic.
The webaddress for the site I am trying to build (my first) is

When I try to install the entire zp-config.php prints out on the screen followed by the following message:

MySQL Error: Could not connect to the database server. Check your zp-config.php file for the correct Host, User name, and Password.

I've checked and made sure that my MySQL databases are named correctly and that all of the passwors are correct and they are.

I have no idea what i am doing wrong. I tried using both notepad and Microsoft front page to edit the zp-config.php files, but neither has worked (as this was noted as the solution to the last person's problem).

I'm taking the files off of my webpage due to the fact that my user name and password are showing.



  • Raz88 Member
    What host are you using?

  • courd Member
  • Raz88 Member
    Did you rename zp-config.php.example to zp-config.php.

    Try deleting all ZP files and uploading them again. I had to do that once because of some server cache error.

  • trisweb Administrator
    "When I try to install the entire zp-config.php prints out on the screen followed by the following message:" -- this sounds like you used some kind of text editor (like the one in cPanel) that makes the file into HTML. Start with a fresh install, a clean copy of zp-config.php.example, edit it in a normal text editor, then upload it as zp-config.php.
  • courd Member
    Okay... but define a normal text editor because I used notepad and then tried Microsoft Frontpage when that didn't work... and as I am new to this, I'm not really sure what I should be using.

    And thank you.
  • Raz88 Member
    Normal Text Editor would be Notepad. Make sure your saving it as a .php file.

  • courd Member
    I don't know what happened the first time because I used notepad... but I also used Front Page after that which likely only screwed it up more. I downloaded a new copy and it works great this time!
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