Can users be informed via eMail of new photos?

Hi there,
first of of - thank you very much for your great product!!!

Due to the quirks with Menalto Gallery/PHP/Zend I had been "forced" to find a new home - here I am.
I was able to migrate my stuff from MG to ZEN within a few hours - the only feature I am missing is the possibility for users to subscribe to a album (and it's sub-albums) to be notified about new images via eMail.
Did I overlook this feature? Or is this maybe in an extension?



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    No, you didn't overlook it, there is no such feature. There is a mailing list tool for all registered users that supplied an e-mail address but that is meant for manual messages to inform registered users. There are only various rss feeds available.

    There is a 3rd party plugin for another maininglist tool to be used together with Zenphoto:
    No idea if that still works or else.
  • Hi Acrylian,

    thanks for the quick reply ... actually in my case (only. ca 20 reg users) manual email would be ok - maybe, if more users would like to have this feature, we could make it a future feature request :-).

  • If you can "train" your users, the best thing would be to have them subscribe to an RSS feed for the album. Then they will get notifications of the new images automatically.

    If you are up to some coding, it would not be too difficult to make a plugin that did the mailing. There is a filter named `new_image` which is invoked each time that a new image is discovered and there is a function, `zp_mail()` that takes care of sending mail messages.

    So all you have to do is figure out who you want to notify and probably how to keep from flooding them with mail if you upload a lot of images.
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