My ZP Portfolio

Zenphoto changed my life and was the perfect tool for building my portfolio. I've been working on it for quite some time now, and I really like the results. I just wanted to show off my minimalistic theme and just another way of using ZP.

I would love to hear your comments!


  • Very nicely done. BTW, I love your 2nd winamp UI, it's VERY cool.
  • Stephane-

    Your work is always a welcome surprise. I particularly enjoyed the woodworking portion of your site (which is right up my alley). Very interesting approach to building shelves, and I've never seen curves done that way. It's normally done with plastics, and it's a welcome change.

    Do you do your own woodworking? Seems like you have access to a nice shop environment there.

    I enjoy your Effervescence theme at use on my site. You do good work.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Beautiful theme and wonderful artwork :-) Thanks for sharing, and I'm personally thrilled that Zenphoto "changed your life"! That's of the highest compliment :-) Thanks.


    P.S: I want that 2nd winamp theme!
  • Thanks for the kind words...

    I'm still a beginner with regards to woodworking, in fact those shelves were my first real project. The shop and faculty are great here at Colorado College, so that really was an aid.

    The Winamp theme is hopefully coming soon - the graphics have been done for a while so I've just been nagging the coder to get started!
  • I love woodworking in any of its variety of forms. I'd love to be able to do it full time, and someday that is what I aim to do.

    Zenphoto is certainly a great way to display art and photos, and I enjoy working with it too, as well as all the nice people you get to interact with along the way.
  • brilliant!
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