K2 for Wordpress Integrated "Theme"



  • This has worked awesome for me. The only thing I havent been able to get down is the tab. I manually added it but then when I click on it, the blog acts as if its clicked also... www.mikekingconstruction.com
  • Even though I don't use K2 (I use Tiny) this theme integrated perfectly into my site instantly. The only thing I've changed so far is a few style elements for my own personal pleasure, not for any functional use.

    However, I've come across two issues. Comments seem to be broken �?? as in, you can't comment on a photo at all. Also, the Ajax on-page editing doesn't work either �?? changes aren't saved and when you *do* hit save, you are just redirected to the home page. That's more of an annoyance than anything since I can still edit from the admin.

    Lastly, what can I change in the CSS so that the two lines in the foot are the same widht as the rest of the column? I've tinkered with this for like an hour, and I'm sure all I need is a fresh set of eyes.

    Gallery is at rulebrittaniea.org/photos

    Thanks again for all the previous work!
  • Has their been a fix for having two different databases for WP and ZP?

    WordPress database error: [Table 'zengallery.wp_options' doesn't exist]
    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'k2scheme' LIMIT 1

    Please email ben (at) digibag (dot) com if yes.. I will be SOOO stoked!
  • As far as I know, there is no solution yet, but if you want to move your zenphoto database into your wp database it's really easy, since there are only three basic tables.

    All you have to do is back up your zp database following these instructions:

    And then copy them into your WP database following these instructions:

    Be sure to change the details in your zp config file to match those of your WP database instead, and all should be well.

    I highly recommend doing this anyway because it makes integration so much easier, as well as other things, such as single-database backups using the autobackup plugin that now comes with wordpress 2.+
  • Thanks brittanie! I figured as much and reinstalled ZP this morning using my WP database.
  • Here is an update code for tabs:

    ` current_page_item<?php } else { ?>page_item<?php } ?>">">Home `

    ` current_page_item<?php } else { ?>page_item<?php } ?>">Photos `
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