If I visit a gallery for the first time, not all thumbs show up. If I refresh, there they are. I assume this is because there are a ton of images without thumbnails and the page times out before they all get generated.
Is there a .php script I can run at the command prompt to go through all the albums and generate thumbs? Right now what I have to do is go through every page of every album when I upload them, reloading some pages, to make sure all thumbs are there for visitors.
You can also activate the `cacheManager` plugin on the backend.
Please also read the info provided with the plugin.
The CacheManager plugin offers options to "purge cache" but there is no option to "generate cache" (aka thumbs).
In the album pages, I see a new option to "cache album images"...but that means going into each and every album. I added 40 new albums today, so that would be rather tedious.
Is there any way to checkmark a bunch of albums and say "cache album images"? Or to say "globally, cache all albums"?
That link mentions an ImageMagick option under Option->Image. I'm running and don't see it...?
As to ImageMagick, that will only appear if your server has the necessary software installed to support it.
Didn't think to look there :-) Thanks, that works great.