way to add sociable like FB?

I searched and found almost nothing. I'd like to have sociable button on my zenphoto site, things like the facebook "like" or "share" button, is there some kind of plugin for this?

When I said "almost nothing" it's that I did find something called zenFBcommon, but, assuming it's made to add such a button on pages, it's so convoluted a process that it's unusable, can't make head or tail out of it.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry, sadly our site search is broken and we don't know why yet).
    There are these 3rd party plugins available:
    http://www.zenphoto.org/news/addthis (we don't use this plugin but the addthis tool on our own site)

    Otherwise you can modify your theme to add the button code these services provide manually.
  • Well, since I'm less than worthless at coding anything I reverted to using a theme which had this feature already built in(zpMasonry). But thanks.
  • I'm curious what was considered convoluted with the zenFBSuite (zenFBcommon)? I ask because if something isn't clear it certainly I could certainly try to document it better. There are reasons for every step it needs.
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