Replacing default "private album gif"


Firstly, thanks very much for all the work you guy's do on this application. I found it by accident and it helps me present a very cool and professional looking website.

I'm currently upgrading my website and I'm making use of Zenpage and GJR's ZPMasonary theme (another guy worthy of kudos!)

Now I have searched the forum and tried to find anything in the documentation but didn't find anything relevant(if I'm using the wrong key words I apologise) As the title says really, I'd like to replce the default "protected image" gif with my own custom one.
I could replace the default one with mine but I'd have to replace it each time I upgrade and that doesn't strike me as the way you guy's do stuff.



my live site is here ->
my new site is here ->


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Best you activate the `flag_thumbnail` plugin and read its info. (which can also be found here: ttp://

    In short:
    Put the image in: path-to-your-installation->plugins->flag_thumbnail and on the backend set the desired plugin options.
  • In general you can replace Zenphoto default items in your theme by including a like named folder/contents in your theme. In this case I believe the image you are refering to is `err-passwordprotected.png` so you would insusre that you have a theme folder named `images` with an image named `err-passwordprotected.png` contained within it. It will then be automatically used in place of the Zenphoto default.

    See the Effervesce+ theme for an example of just this.

    Just FYI and for others reading thi thread, the same can be done with plugins. Replicate the plugin folder structure in your theme and the files therein will override the default ones.

    Or you can make "global" overrides of files by placing the structure in the `plugins` folder.
  • Hi,
    Thanks for getting back to me.
    sbillard is correct, that is the image I wish to replace.

    Thanks for your help.
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