I need to kown your configuration to give you an answer. - what options are you using (as "Use Galleriffic script" and "Use Colorbox in Album page" ? - what plugin are you using (as slideshow)
maybe, can you give a link (it's enough for me to understand your configuration)
If it is the standard slideshow plugin with the standard colorbox mode you will probably have to modify the defines on the theme page itself. See the colorbox website for the configuration options.
You have to do this again on any update and you should not change plugin files but hte defintion call of the colorbox instead (where that is in the theme you have to find): http://www.jacklmoore.com/colorbox
I need to kown your configuration to give you an answer.
- what options are you using (as "Use Galleriffic script" and "Use Colorbox in Album page" ?
- what plugin are you using (as slideshow)
maybe, can you give a link (it's enough for me to understand your configuration)
I had to change
slideshowAuto:!0, to slideshowAuto:!1,
in the jquery.colorbox-min.js file located in the
zp-core/zp-extensions/colorbox_js folder