Issues with tinyZenpage wrap text

I am using tinyZenpage to add thumbnails and custom sized images to a news article. I want to float the image to the left or right and have the text wrap around it.

Here is what I do:
Edit the article move the cursor to where I want to insert and click the ZP button. TinyZenpage is launched.
I chose the Zenphoto dropdown and select the album. The thumbs from the album are displayed.
I chose to include image.
I chose to Image Size as custom size (uncropped) (200).
I chose no title.
I chose Link to Image.
I chose Text Wrap Right.
Then I click the correct thumb and close tinyZenpage.
The image is inserted. The text does not wrap!
If I look at the HTML, I expect to see something in the a tag about style="float: left;" but there is nothing.
The page displays the image inline.

If I use the insert/edit image button appearance tab to set the alignment to left, the editor page displays it correctly.

I apply the change and view the webpage in firefox.
The page displays incorrectly. It shows the text of the <img> tag. When I look at the HTML, this is what I see:

DSC_5382rAll eyes are scanning "There it is!".

EDIT: I can't figure out how to make the code show up here. The escape sequences are ACTIVE in the forum display as a link. This is not what I intended to show, but it is what I see in my page. Use Show Source to see the generated code.

It appears that the entire tag is escaped. It is still a clickable link but the image is not displayed. I can get it to work at the start of the page, but not in the middle.

It appears that something is losing track of what needs to be escaped. I do use quotes, double quotes, and other punctuation in the article.

What gives?

My config is as follows:
Zenphoto version [10732] (Official build)
Current locale setting: en_US.UTF8
Current gallery theme: SimpleMix (custom theme but same behavior with Zenpage)
PHP version: 5.3.16
Graphics support: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
supporting: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp
PHP memory limit: 96M (Note: Your server might allocate less!)
MySql version: 5.1.62
Database name: ****_ZP
Table prefix: zp_
Spam filter: none
CAPTCHA generator: reCaptcha
19 active plugins:


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    To escape code you need to use either the `` html element or `backticks` the accent in this character à (those are on the top right of your keyboard). A theme needs the proper css classes definitions as described on the help text. We tried to avoid inline css where we can. These are also important so the margin between image and text is to your liking. I have looked, the Zenpage theme indeed misses some of theme. There are various combinations: There is the image itself as you used it but there are also the wrapper ones if the title and/or description should be shown. Since they vary on the image size chosen it is not really possible to predefine theme (float only works on block elements with a width set!). You can also use the left/right text alignment buttons to get an image wrapping afterwards.
  • Thanks for your help.

    I saw the help instructions about providing a default CSS class. I interpreted that as:
    ...there is a default class and style provided to do text wrapping but you will have to style it yourself to make it look better.

    Also I interpreted the first paragraph of the Text Wrap Help as:
    So that you can see immediate results in your published page without adding any style yourself, some inline CSS is attached to your page.

    Using the left/right align text buttons does add inline CSS `style="float: left|right;"` to the content. This is adequate for my immediate needs but at some point I will add the wrap text styles to my theme as suggested.

    I agree with your design goal of trying to avoid inline CSS.

    Once again, thanks,
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, the "default class and style provided" means they are attached but need to be defined via CSS to look as wished (since you can use that with any theme that might not have).

    Actually there was once at least inline float attached but maybe that got lost unnoticed some time along the way or we threw it out on purpose and forgot to change the text..
    Anyway if there was a float attached and you use a title or description to display that could lead to funny results as well.

    Anyway, good that it so far fits your needs.
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