Theme problem

please look at my gallery
and tell my why thumbnails look like that :(
Maybe sth in the CSS?


  • It's because the height of the third thumbnail is a little less than all the rest. The easy fix is to change the thumbnail that displays for that album (in the admin). The slightly harder fix would be to play around with the numbers for printCustomAlbumThumbImage() in the index.php page of the theme.
  • You are great!!! Thank you very, very much :D
    I just changed the thumbnail to normal photo which is 3:2,
    and new thumbnail has good size.

    Before I set some pano to be a thumb but b/c it was very flat
    (maybe 5:1) zenphoto couldnt create good thumb :D

    One more time: Thank You!
  • Maybe you also know how to center thumbs in #main div?

    Thanks in advance
  • Glad I could help. This next one's a little harder since all the thumbnails are list items set to float:left. Probably the easiest thing is add some padding-left to the main div (but be careful because this might affect your other pages), unless you want to wrap the list of thumbs in another div inside main and center that div.
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