Types of log files in ZP


What are the logs files (logging categories) that ZP facilitate?

I think there 3 different logs, but I got mixed-up in the UI understanding Delete button as deleting the contents of the log and not the log file itself and deleted some :-( Yeah I know I should read tool-tips! In my deference the Reset button will be better named Clear than Reset.

Anyways, how do I get these logs back or will they be created automatically when the an error occurs that is meant to be logged in a designated log?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There are setup, a security and a debug logs. Those are generally created if something needs to be logged (The debug log can also be used via debug functions). Just run setup again for example and there will be a setup log again.
  • I can confirm that there is no problem deleting a log (except if you want to go back to the content it had in it.) Logs will be created as needed.
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