Hi there
I got zenphoto running now and I can administrate it. The only problem is that I get a 404 error message when clicking on an album. This error just occurs when I'm using mod_rewrite.
So I think there's a problem with my mod_rewrite.
I spent over 3hrs to fix that but without success :-(
I use zenphoto at gallery.myhost.tld; the only thing I know is that the default virtual apache server (accessible by entering the IP address) does support mod_rewrite just fine.
Any ideas?
I had the same issue and I had to create a /etc/httpd/conf/extra/zenphoto.conf file (NOTE this was for arch-linux, where the config files for yr server reside...). This files basically contained
php_flag display_errors off
AllowOverride all
Then in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
in the section where the apache config pulls in specific configs I added:
`Include /etc/httpd/conf/extra/zenphoto.conf`
This works for me, it may/may not work for you
b) The .htaccess file is not present or not correct
About both setup should tell you something. So what does it tell?
I have the same problem with my albums and 404 error messages. I checked and the .htaccess is present, but how can I check to see if it is correct?
Thank-you for the quick reply!