Hi, I used to be able to link to images in this format (and I still can for older albums):
http://zenphoto.[sitename].net/[albumname]/image/[longsidelength]/IMG_7189.jpgwhich I really liked as I could set the size in the URL, here is an example:
http://zenphoto.pwilkinson.net/newyork16012013/image/674/IMG_7189.jpgSince an upgrade though this doesn't seem to work on albums that have been created since the upgrade and I get an access denied message e.g.
http://zenphoto.pwilkinson.net/california30062012/image/674/IMG_8269.jpgI have checked various permissions on the ftp images as well as the album settings but I can't seem to find the right thing to fix it and everything I do find is already set the same for each album.
Any ideas?
A link like http://zenphoto.pwilkinson.net/newyork16012013/image/674/IMG_7189.jpg
translates to an image.php theme page of the image "IMG_7189.jpg" that is within the sub album "674" of the sub album "image" of an top level album "newyork16012013". (if mod_rewrite is enabled).
Or if it is a full imge link it translates to an image "IMG_7189.jpg" within the sub album "674" of the top level album "image" within the "albums" folder that has been renamed to the custom name "newyork16012013".
This link here:
funnily enough takes you to a photo that is 450 pixels on the long edge too.
What would the link structure through the /zp-core/i.php look like please?
Use the image template functions available instead of i.php directly:
get versions get the url, print versions print the html tag.
Update: I stand corrected. You are indeed right, those links did once work and got lost with the mod_rewrite restructuring in 1.4.5. It is not done via hatchess directly anymore to better support servers without htaccess like nginx (which our own server uses).