Yes, for albums (and multimedia items) the cropped thumb (default image option) is used and for image entries an uncropped image with the size set on the rss options. So unless defined rss does not use what the cache manager creates.
As said: album thumbs and multimedia items use the default thumb setting from the theme options. If that is cropped it is here as well.
Only plain image entries are uncropped by default and use the sizes set on the rss options.
I actually don't remember why the difference but that is what is there currently. I agree both should be the same. So please open a ticket so this is not forgotten.
I cleared the cache and generated a new image cache via cachemanager. What I see is :
The first is my thumbnail of the album view
The last one is my full view of the image view
And the second one is the admin cropped thumbnail.
I don't understand where is defined the thumbnail of rss feeds.
Besides that all rss stuff is in the rss class.
Looking at the html source of the rss entries, it seems that zp shunts this option :
Previously I had this :
`<img border="0" src="!"`...
Now this is what I get :
`<img src="!"`...
album thumbs and multimedia items use the default thumb setting from the theme options. If that is cropped it is here as well.
Only plain image entries are uncropped by default and use the sizes set on the rss options.
I actually don't remember why the difference but that is what is there currently. I agree both should be the same. So please open a ticket so this is not forgotten.
You have the same issue on your demo gallery :
The image entry Cosmos02 is cropped...
I also put on my list for the next bigger release 1.4.4. to get an option to choose between cropped or not.