my config:
Version de Zenphoto [5831] (Version officielle)
Is it any way to display or exclude specific categories from loop, like in wordpress with query_posts('cat=3,8')
If "yes", can you explain me how or where please ? I don't find very well in the documentation...
I need this to separate my gallery on two pages
thank you.
Unpublished items are not shown in menus/album listings
You can create `dynamic albums` of specific searches and those will show only the targets of the search.
If all you want is for your gallery to be two pages (whatever you mean by that) I guess I do not understand, Setting the items per page will control how many pages are used to show them.
I want to display my gallery on two distinct pages (not pagination).
The first page with albums 1,2,3
the second page with ablums 4,5,6
My problem is for exclude or display spécific albums on pages (from the loop), beacause actually i have all albums in each pages
I try dynamic album, but it's not what i wish.
Is this good for me ? (i try with this actually...but i'm not sure)
<?php $albumobject = new Album($galleryobject,"Album1,Album2,Album3"); ?>
For instance your code above shows that you do not understand PHP at all. You seem to want to instantiate a single album object consisting of three album names. This is a concept that makes no sense.
how can i try instantiate my three albums ? if it's possible.
I don't want that someone write custom code for me, it's not my wish, but just discut and know what is the better solution or the name of the function i must use to write my own code.
I think it was a community forum about zenphoto users, and not only professionnals developpers.
In your album folder, you could create two subranches, one for each page you want to display; then use the menu_manager extension to create one entry for each of these pages.
I try alone
I think i'll change zenphoto to other cms where community exchange, sometimes for free.
My question was just to have an idea obout the method to use and if this function exist... but it's seems it will be a secret between zen developpers....
ok no problem.
Have a nice day.
Sorry, otherwise it will indeed mean to write the code for you. Remember we are volunteers here.