I'm using the video hack from La0c00n and all works fine. Some of my site visitors asked me if it would be possible to see in the albumview witch file is a video or not but also with the thumb. I thought about some kind of overlay image like a play button. I tried the text-overlay from altaphista but this one dosn't work on my installation (don't know why) and I think nice little Icon added to the thumb would be nice.
If anyone have an idea, please let me know.
Thanks, for helping
Thanks, Lordcoffee
function printImageThumb($alt, $class=NULL, $id=NULL) {
/*** adds a 10pxel width filmstrip before the thumb **********************/
echo "<img src=\"/nl/themes/rozemarijn/images/movie.jpg\"><img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars(getImageThumb()) . "\" id=\"". getFullImageURL() ."\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($alt, ENT_QUOTES) . "\"" .
((zp_conf('thumb_crop')) ? " width=\"".zp_conf('thumb_crop_width')."\" height=\"".zp_conf('thumb_crop_height')."\"" : "") .
(($class) ? " class=\"$class\"" : "") .
(($id) ? " id=\"$id\"" : "") . " />";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars(getImageThumb()) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($alt, ENT_QUOTES) . "\"" .
((zp_conf('thumb_crop')) ? " width=\"".zp_conf('thumb_crop_width')."\" height=\"".zp_conf('thumb_crop_height')."\"" : "") .
(($class) ? " class=\"$class\"" : "") .
(($id) ? " id=\"$id\"" : "") . " />";
Thzanks for sharing. It's working fine but the adding of the movie.jpg to the thumb brings another problem. I'm using squared thumbs with 85px x 85 px. Now the Videothumbs are 95 x 85 and the squared layout is destroyed. Is it possible to crop this videothmubs to 75px so the whole thumb is 85 x85 again?
Thanks for helping,
I would be grateful from some basic instructions!
Just remove the old code and paste the one from this topic.
The problem can be seen here;
I am using the stopped design theme and have copied and pasted the code exactly as above.
Again - thanks for any assistance you can provide.
EX: my thumbs are w100 x h75, when using this hack the video thumbs amount to w110 x h 75 with the filmstrip attached and it messes up the album columns.