Overlay for videothumb?


I'm using the video hack from La0c00n and all works fine. Some of my site visitors asked me if it would be possible to see in the albumview witch file is a video or not but also with the thumb. I thought about some kind of overlay image like a play button. I tried the text-overlay from altaphista but this one dosn't work on my installation (don't know why) and I think nice little Icon added to the thumb would be nice.

If anyone have an idea, please let me know.

Thanks, for helping


  • Hmmm. I don't want to spam the forum but is there really no solution for this?

    Thanks, Lordcoffee
  • I did something like this . it's not an overlay but prints an filmstrip in front of the thumbnail if the 'image' is a video. see it at http://www.kiemkracht.com/nl/vrij werk/homo herbarius/

    function printImageThumb($alt, $class=NULL, $id=NULL) {


    /*** adds a 10pxel width filmstrip before the thumb **********************/

    echo "<img src=\"/nl/themes/rozemarijn/images/movie.jpg\"><img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars(getImageThumb()) . "\" id=\"". getFullImageURL() ."\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($alt, ENT_QUOTES) . "\"" .
    ((zp_conf('thumb_crop')) ? " width=\"".zp_conf('thumb_crop_width')."\" height=\"".zp_conf('thumb_crop_height')."\"" : "") .
    (($class) ? " class=\"$class\"" : "") .
    (($id) ? " id=\"$id\"" : "") . " />";

    } else {

    echo "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars(getImageThumb()) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($alt, ENT_QUOTES) . "\"" .

    ((zp_conf('thumb_crop')) ? " width=\"".zp_conf('thumb_crop_width')."\" height=\"".zp_conf('thumb_crop_height')."\"" : "") .

    (($class) ? " class=\"$class\"" : "") .

    (($id) ? " id=\"$id\"" : "") . " />";

  • Hi BertSimons!

    Thzanks for sharing. It's working fine but the adding of the movie.jpg to the thumb brings another problem. I'm using squared thumbs with 85px x 85 px. Now the Videothumbs are 95 x 85 and the squared layout is destroyed. Is it possible to crop this videothmubs to 75px so the whole thumb is 85 x85 again?

    Thanks for helping,
  • I would like to add the filmstrip onto the video image but being a novice - I have no idea where to add or integrate the above code?

    I would be grateful from some basic instructions!

  • The function printImageThumb() is in the file "zen/template-functions.php".
    Just remove the old code and paste the one from this topic.
  • Thanks for the help - code inserted. Strange problem though - instead of putting the filmstrip next to the thumb on the left hand side - it is printing it immediately above?

    The problem can be seen here;


    I am using the stopped design theme and have copied and pasted the code exactly as above.

    Again - thanks for any assistance you can provide.

  • One bug that I have found in this technique is that the thumb is still the same size as the other thumbs and then you have the extra 10px on the left for the filmstrip jpeg.

    EX: my thumbs are w100 x h75, when using this hack the video thumbs amount to w110 x h 75 with the filmstrip attached and it messes up the album columns.
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