The simpler media website CMS
to my script and have done
zp_load_image($albumName, $imageName);`
with valid directory and file names.
when I try
`print $_zp_current_image->checkAccess();`
I never get a result (I assume that means it thinks I don't have access). I have tried it both logged in and logged out and it makes no difference. I know the $_zp_current_image seems to be working in other areas... I can get valid width and height; and isProtected() returns 1.
Is there anything glaringly wrong with what I've done in my code that might be causing me problems?
`print $_zp_current_image->checkAccess();` returns a bool values so not really something to "print".
Did you look at this?
The makeImage/AlbumCurrent functions are probably worth a try if you are outside Zenphoto.
So yeah I should remove those quotes for the album name. I initially tried with makeImage but I wasn't sure if I was creating a new "image" (not what I want to do) or referencing an existing "image" (which IS what I want to do). For whatever reason in my mind I thought I had todo zp_load_gallery() first or else I was just creating an orphaned image object.
Initially, for debugging my script, I had something like
`if ($image->checkAccess()) print "OK";`
Where $image was a creation of makeImage. No matter what I tweaked, I couldn't get that to seemingly return true.
As far as the album name, what I need is the relative path to the album inside of the albums directory right? So if my install is at and my structure is something like and I want to reference the sub-album "album2" I need to pass on "person/album2" right?
EDIT: Also, I think that if I try to print a bool I get back 0 or 1? I might be mistaken in that though.
Please let me know if the below sounds right...
If I want to see if a user who is already logged in has access to an image (really a video)--in order to validate if they should be allowed to view and download the video through my script--I should use checkAccess() on the image object created with makeImage() after adding in the zenphoto template functions. And when I call checkAccess() on an image, it is really checking access to the album in which the image resides.
(also, thanks for the help so far!)
Since checkAccess() depends on the album rights and per the above mistake I would've attempted to define an album incorrectly... could this be the reason I wasn't getting a reply from checkAccess()?
Obviously I'm going to fix this when I get the chance and try it again, but I just thought I'd post here in case someone else was having similar issues.