i have a problem to view my Pictures with the IE. With Firefox the site looks nice.
On IE the proportions not right and the box at the right not scrolling it stays at top. When i zoom the complete Site zoomed and not only the text like on Firefox.
I'm using a modified zp-masonry Theme but with the original i've the same problem.
Link to a picture:
http://tmr.dyndns.biz/index.php?album=nightshots&image=nightshoots-3.jpgWhat i've to fix?
Regarding zooming, that is a browser setting. It is generally default in all modern browsers to zoom the site itself. You can choose on all to disable this and only zoom the text. I don't have IE so I have no idea if that has such an option (may depend on the version).
Yes but the proportion did not fit.
Here is a screenshot.
it was a problem in my index.php ..i've inserted the facebook meta stuff there. looks like that wasn't a good idea
in IE it looks fine now too