Installation change notice

I rec'vd a msg :
Your database software has changed from MySql 5.1.65 to MySql 5.5.27.
Please reinstall the following setup files from the [10902] release:

zp-core/setup/etc. etc....

but could you tell me how to reinstall them please.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Upload them again...
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    You will have to download the package again and re-upload the mentioned files to your server.
    Then you can run setup again.
    It's explained here:
    Look for `Re-running and re-uploading setup files`.
  • Thanks for the quick reply. I'll do it in a jiffy.
  • Hi, downloaded the package and unzipped. Uploaded the index.php and setup folder to correct places. Ran setup from the message in admin - but a blank page came up and no further processing. The site stil doesn;t function and when I go back t admin, the reason has gone but the offer to run setup is still there. Did that 3 times but blanks each time. The files are still on site.
    Msg to rerunn setup on admin and site and images not appearing properly which I assume is the sql call up.
  • ok. reloaded setup.php and it's going through the loops so all's well so far.
  • All working so thanks very much.
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