Zenphoto Download W/ Maps, RSS, EXIF, Subalbums & Video



  • What's the easiest way to update from build to build ? Is upgrading the zen directory enough or are themes and / files (index.php, rss.php) often touched as well ?

    Moreover, are there ever db changes on there that would need me to run setup.php again ?
  • I don't know. I just installed it for my dev gallery from the community branch in SVN (v 444), but I did a complete rebuild. I haven't had much time to play with it, but you can see why:


    I had a new arrival on Labor Day. At least I'll have lots more pictures to test Zenphoto with. :)

    One thing I did have to do though is comment out the iptc.php require statement in functions.php, as I was getting an error. There was no iptc.php in the directory where it was looking.
  • trisweb Administrator
    I may have forgotten to add iptc.php... though it should be there? I'll check.

    I'll keep checking in your updates aitf311, just keep doin what you're doin.

    Also @edasque - there aren't any db changes in this build, just lots of integrated code hacks. Not sure which files are updated when though.
  • iptc.php should be located at zen/exif/iptc.php

    Thinkdreams: congratulation on your daughter, she is beautiful!

    trisweb: I put an updated version up today that includes sbillards ampersand fixes
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @edasque: For me works fine to copy the content of the updated zen folder to the old zen folder and overwrite the files (don't overwrite the zen folder itself because you will delete your config file, too!). Of course without warranty, I do this on a local environment.

    @thinkdreams: Congratulations!!!
  • i figured that's where, but the iptc.php wasn't in the svn download. no rush though.
  • atif311:

    There are still issues with "&" (and with "#") in album and image names. You won't be able to delete them. Somewhere in the "POST" processing something is finding the encoded "&" or "#" and decoding them making the "&" appear to introduce a new query parameter and the "#" appear to be a bookmark.

    I have no idea where or why this is happening. I'm contemplating a work-a-round, but not sure it would be foolproof. Guess "&" and "#" are bad things to put in names. Better to spell them out and then use actual characters in a title.
  • Ahh, ok, thank you for letting me know incase I ever tried to delete that album. I still am amazed at how well it is finally working (subalbum in admin).
  • trisweb Administrator
    SVN is updated with the missing iptc.php and a few other files; NOT yet with the latest community build. I will merge it in tonight.

    Craig, your daughter is beautiful! Congratulations!!

    And you won't believe this, but she shares my birthday! I was born on Labor Day AND September 3rd as well! Congrats again, and good luck :)
  • I think I have a successful work-a-round for the "&" and "#" problems. I noticed a missing patch from atif311's community build. Most likely because I somehow forgot to post the class-image.php patch to ticket #75. Anyway, until it is included there will be an erronious failed to delete message when you delete an image.
  • the build has been updated with the latest patch
  • Tris-

    Thanks! She's quiet too. Not a peep from her last night after we went to bed. At 2 days old, that's amazing.

    And Happy Birthday to you then as well. ;)

    I'll check out the latest SVN later tonight and give it a shot.
  • the community build has sbillard's latest & and # patches, you can now delete the albums containing those symbols
    it also contains acrylian's print album menu
  • What's the best way to apply these updates to an existing install? I have a number of patches already in my development install, and I'd like to preserve those while adding the subalbum features. Can I just diff aitf311's files against mine?
  • If the patches you are talking about are the ones from the trac site, this build includes them all. It also includes several fixes posted in the forum, subalbums for every theme included, subalbum administration and a couple other neat features submitted through the forum like RSS.
  • Build updated to include sbillard's latest album publishing features.
  • trisweb Administrator
    SVN branches/community updated with most recent community build.

    aitf311, could you sync with that SVN branch for your future updates? I've made a few minor changes. Thanks.
  • tris: the svn branch is still missing some files,
    cache/videoDefault.png_100_cw85_ch85.jpg - needed for ZenVideo
    cache/videoDefault.png_100_cw100_ch75.jpg - needed for Zenvideo
  • trisweb Administrator
    Those two videoDefault.... files should not be in the cache folder. They should be in /zen/images.

    I'll add them for now, along with the others, and add it to the long list of items to discuss for Monday's meeting... :)

    [Edit: Done]
  • updated the build to include Sbillard's new code that allows for hiding images and albums
  • Thanks for the patches, aitf311.

    Sounds like now that trisweb has merged them in, it's simplest for me to just update to the latest SVN?
  • I think I have only updated the package once since tris updated. Whichever method is easier for you works for me.
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yes, I am one patch behind. I will update soon.

    Soon all builds and changes will go straight to SVN, probably by the end of the week.
  • How do we get patches to you? I've finished with persistant options (ticket#10)
  • the package has been updated with one of the most significant updates in a long time. Sbillard has added the functionality to allow users to set the zp-config options in the Admin Page.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    @sbillard: I hope you don't mind, I made a quick design modification on the options page to look more like the other pages (got to much time today...:-)). I don't know about the .diff-files on the trac. so I post simply here. I have a picture included so you can take a look without the need to install anything. It's just a suggestion:
  • Acrylian, that looks like it was meant to be. I will update the package to get it soon. Teamwork at its best!
  • Updated the community build, it includes the latest updates to Admin Options, Admin Options themed, and Acrylians Album Menu v1.2
  • That's great news about recent activity, thanx for the great work! I have some questions about subalbums. These seem mandatory for any gallery software to me.

    I can't upload or move images to subalbums. Also I can't create subalbums from the admin. Is this not implementd yet? I just checked this thread on this but maybe I missed something...
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