zen photo fail to create thumbnail in linux environment

I don't know what's wrong. But when tested on windows, everythings is okay.Maybe someone can send me patch file for this.

Need Help


  • trisweb Administrator
    Cade, there are a number of things that can be wrong. The FAQ may help, you can find it here: http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/wiki/ZenphotoFAQ

    Can we see the site? It's much easier to diagnose and fix problems that way.
  • I have check the permission of cache folder. After uploaded a number of images, the thumbnail is not display? What could be wrong? Any Idea?
  • my thumbnail image generation does not work. What should I do? My GD library is lower than 2.0. I'm using old version of zen photo. Can someone help me
  • my thumbnail image generation does not work. What should I do? My GD library is lower than 2.0. I'm using old version of zen photo. Can someone help me? At least a file that can cater image generation that works with GD < 2.0
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