Multiple errors on Zenphoto + Apache

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum, so first I would like to thank all the developers and helpers who are providing the Zenphoto CMS.
I am running Zenphoto ( with the ZPMasonry theme on an Apache server and I have two main problems:

-The database empties itself very often. This means, albums thumbnails are set to default (latest image), titles are set to the folders names (i.e. "121026-photo-shoot"), etc

-The "printDownloadLinkAlbumZip" function does not seem to work. I activated the extension, the link appears in the album view, the .zip file that is downloaded contains all the folders and files needed, but every file weights 0 B. Which is quite an issue...

Of course, for both of these problems, I can see nothing strange in Apache or Zenphoto logs.

Here are some technical informations:
-OS: Debian Squeeze (stable)
-Zenphoto version:
-PHP version: 5.3.3-7+squeeze14
-PHP memory limit: 128M
-MySQL version: 5.1.63
-The albums are located in another folder on the server, so I use a symlink to reach them. Upload and access to photos work just fine.

I would be really thankful if someone could help me with those problems (especially the database issue...). Of course, I am ready to send any technical data you may need.

See you,


  • What do you mean by "the database empties itself"? There only function in Zenphoto that "empties" the database is the backup restore process, and that then re-fills the database from the backup.

    The only other thing I can think of that might look like this is if your images and albums "mtime" settings get somehow updated. Then Zenphoto will think they have been change. Still typically that does not change database fields other than image metadata.

    I suppose the library that handles file zipping dose not deal with symlinked files. That is not something we have written. Can you see if it does work with albums that are not symlinked?
  • About the database:
    All the folders were copied from an old Gallery2.X server. I guess it is not an issue because Zenphoto manages FTP.
    So, I changed all the thumbnails and the titles (i.e. from "2011-12-25-christmasparty" to "Christmas Party" in folder 2011/) using the Zenphoto admin interface. Everything worked fine.

    But, sometimes, the titles of the albums are set back to the names of the folders on the network ("2012-12-25-christmasparty"), the thumbnails are set back to default (most recent image, or whatever) and the folders are not in the right order anymore. Also, the admin interface's statistics show a very low number of pictures that increases as I visit the website.

    It seems to me that the DB has been deleted or emptied, and is being built again as I visit the website (of course, without what I modified myself...).

    On my website, the "backup database" function does not seem to work, and so does the "restore" function (it displays a gray page). To have a backup of the DB, I have to do it directly from MySQL.

    About the download function:
    I have really slow internet connection from where I am now, I will do it ASAP and tell you about the results.

    Thanks a lot for helping !
  • Re: backup/restore. You need to check your logs for the error being generated. Perhaps it will also be a clue for the other issue. Blank pages are always a result of some kind of error being encountered.

    One other suggestion: set your default pubilshing option to "unpublished". Then if the problem is because Zenphoto thinks the albums and images are not the ones in the database they will be marked as unpublished. It is quite possible that the interaction with the remote server is not preserving a consistent state for those items. Your testing of a local album would also be of interest here: if the local album does not experience the "flushing" of data then the problem is being caused by the remote server.

    Symlinks in general work for albums. All my test installations symlink to the same album folder. But this folder is local, so that may be the difference.

    MySQL backups are fine, but be sure not to restore them on a different version of Zenphoto than you made them on.
  • So, I moved all the folders (~13000 photos) to the default albums location on the server.
    As far as I can see; it works fine. I have an access to the DownloadZip function, and the database does not seem to empty itself. From now on, only time can say if there are still problems.

    Thank you very much for helping !
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