contact_form: message not sending


at first, i like to say "Hallo" to the Team and the User here.
I have a problem with the contact_form. I can type all fields correct, type a message in the messageblock and click sending. Zenphoto don`t give an errormessage. When i look in Outlook, the E-mail is comming in, but the message from the messageblock in empty. Zenphoto don`t sendind the data from the messagenock. Please can me help anyone?

My Data:
Zenphoto-Version [10902] (Offizielle Version)
Locale-Einstellung: de_DE.UTF8
Galerie-Theme: Zenpage
PHP-Version: 5.2.17
Grafikunterstützung: PHP GD library bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
Unterstützung: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp
PHP-Speicherbeschränkung: 128M
MySql Version: 5.1.63

MK-M ( sorry for my bad english)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please review your error logs (Zenphoto and server ones).
  • Hi acrylian,

    this is the only entry from Zen Fehlersuche:

    {Sat, 27 Oct 2012 08:58:46 GMT}
    Backtrace: STRICT NOTICE: Creating default object from empty value in /var/www/web120808/html/fotos/themes/zenpage/sidebar.php in Zeile 25

    include called
    from include (gallery.php [88])
    rom include (index.php [13])
    from index.php [92]

    for the server-error log: is the file inside Zenphoto Admin area or on my webspace. i don´t find it on the root folder of my webspace. I thnk i must question my webspace admin for the errorlog-file.

    ( )
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    THe server log is naturally on your server somewhere. Ask your provider please.
  • I have zenphoto_sendmail deactivatet and now i am activate php-mailer. i give my mail data and change the option to smtp.

    It is working. Works zenphoto_sendmail not with smpt or must i do codechange self?

    Thx for your time...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    sendmail uses the mail functionality provided via php by your server. Some are not setup for this, so it may or may not work.
  • Thanks for the support here, the script is perfect working.

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