Stoppeddesign archive paging

At the moment, I have all the albums displayed in the archive page. However, I only want to see a set number of albums and then a paging mechanism to get to the rest of the albums. I am able to limit the number of albums by changing the following line ...

`<?php /* Remove the page album limit for this page: */ $_zp_conf_vars['albums_per_page'] = 9999; ?>`

... but when I do limit the number of albums displayed, it doesn't give me a next page or number of pages link. How would I be able to set this up?


  • I seem to be able to get some kind of paging using


      <?php printPageListWithNav("« prev", "next »"); ?>

    However, I am unfamiliar with CSS and don't know where to put it in. Putting it in the same div as the album list inherits that list's properties. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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