Hello ZenPhoto fans!
We have been working hard to bring you the first update to ZenPhoto in half a year! What this means is that version 1.1 will contain a TON of new features that have the potential for bugs. Anyone willing to find any bugs or just try out the new version you can do so by downloading the nightly build here:
http://www.zenphoto.org/files/nightly (you must run upgrade.php as there have been many database changes)
We hope to release this new version before the end of the month. Please submit any and all bugs you find to the trac site:
http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/newticketOr view the running issue list here:
http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/report/3Thank you for your help!
I have added a patch to roll it back (116).
In the future, please also reopen the ticket so that we will notice that it needs attention.
I may figure it out, but in case I don't, what file does this patch?
Got it: class-album.php
Did you ever get zenPhoto to access an album outside of the zenPhoto folders?
` //return $root . zp_conf('album_folder');
//albums outside htdocs
if ($root=SERVERPATH) {
return zp_conf('album_folder');
else {
return $root . zp_conf('album_folder');
apache has to be configured with an alias if it is outside htdocs
`localhost/zenphoto/` (which is inside the apache's "htdocs" folder)
`localhost/fotos/` (it is located in another hard drive. i had to set an alias in the apache's configuration to be accessible, `Alias /Fotos "D:/fotos"`)
therefore, in zp-config i have the ALBUMFOLDER overriden to `/fotos/`. with the current SVN, the getAlbumFolder is appending the album folder to the zenphoto's root. with the patch y did, it gets the correct path (regardless of where zenphoto is located).
So, how to know if ALBUMFOLDER (set as `/fotos/`), the user means inside zenphoto or outside htdocs? Here is where i'm stuck. Of course another parameter would do though.
`/fotos/` for when the folder is within the zen folders,
`/localhost/fotos/` for when the folder is outside the zen folders.
Then we check to see if there is a folder path in front of the folder name.
`if ($root=SERVERPATH) {
if (count(explode('/', zp_conf('album_folder'))> 2) { // there is a full path, must be outside of zen folders
return zp_conf('album_folder');
} else {
return $root . zp_conf('album_folder');
} else {
return $root . zp_conf('album_folder');
So, if the name has any directory names we treat it as outside of zen, if not it is inside of zen.
You'll have to check the count, not sure if the explode will create an empty item for the trailing slash.
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `204svnzp_options` (`name`, `value`, `description`, `bool`) VALUES ('spam_filter', 'none', '', ''); ) Failed. Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'bool' at row 1
Then if I fix this using phpmyadmin, the next error I get is
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `204svnzp_options` (`name`, `value`, `description`, `bool`) VALUES ('Theme_colors', 'light', 'Set the colors of the theme (green, blue, earth)', ''); ) Failed. Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'bool' at row 1
Either way.. I can still get past both of those..
I can get to the options page and I chose spam filter: akismet. I was click happy and hit save without entering in my API key. Now my options page stops at Spam Filter and I cant even enter it and the admin page says
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `204svnzp_options` (`name`, `value`, `description`, `bool`) VALUES ('Akismet_key', '', 'Proper operation requires an Akismet key obtained by signing up for a Wordpress.com account.', ''); ) Failed. Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'bool' at row 1
Ill keep playin with it and see if I can find any more.
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `204svnzp_comments` (imageid, name, email, website, comment, inmoderation, date) VALUES ('285', 'danfrei', 'na@na.com', 'http://www.chilifrei.net', 'Love the velvet', '', NOW()) ) Failed. Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'inmoderation' at row 1
Craig has been working on a plugin in for Aksimet, which should be up on the SVN as soon as Mark sees the e-mail. Once it is up, we would appreciate your testing!
When the options work, there is an option for the key. I suggest you delete the rows from your options table when you get the new release with the fix.
I thought there may have been some stuff with upgrades.. so I did a full download and fresh install. I caught something.. during the install it says
zenphoto setup
database connected
We're all set to create the database tables: `zpc_albums`, `zpc_images`, and `zpc_comments`.
I press go and it says complete. I click view gallery and it gives me
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zpc_options` (`name`, `value`, `description`, `bool`) VALUES ('spam_filter', 'none', '', ''); ) Failed. Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'bool' at row 1
Now according to the setup page, it never created zpc_options. Now.. it really did create the options table.. so the text just has to be updated.. but I still do get the error on the very first page after the install.
Since I am having a ton of SQL errors.. this info might be helpful.
MySQL 5.0.20-nt
IIS 6.0
PHP 5.1.2
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zpc_options` (`name`, `value`, `description`, `bool`) VALUES ('current_theme', 'default', 'Holds the current theme', ''); ) Failed. Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'bool' at row 1
Since this was a theme problem, i clicked on the theme tab to choose my theme.. but i receive the same error and the themes dont show up.
upgrade.php does say all 4.. setup.php does not
and I am not following where effervesence_simpleviewer comes into play.
Effervescence_simpleviewer is where the setOptionsDefault comes from. That is the code that eventually gets the DB error setting "Theme_colors".
Also. .. i just realized I was still pulling from the community branch and I was supposed to pull from Nightly Builds..
Unfortunately all still a no go.. I am getting the same errors. If I go down to the testing theme I can post comments.. but heres a kicker.. the Image Info link.. it works on firefox and not on IE.. Damn IE
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zpc_options` (`name`, `value`, `description`, `bool`) VALUES ('Theme_colors', 'light', 'Set the colors of the theme', ''); ) Failed. Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'bool' at row 1
`function getAlbumFolder($root=SERVERPATH) {
global $_zp_conf_vars;
if (!array_key_exists('album_folder', $_zp_conf_vars)) {
$_zp_conf_vars['album_folder'] = ALBUMFOLDER;
if (file_exists(zp_conf('album_folder')."/zen-logo.jpg")) {
//outside htdocs
return zp_conf('album_folder');
else {
return $root . zp_conf('album_folder');
Do you see a problem with looking at the number of folder names in the path?
the thing is that ALBUMSFOLDER is defined as `/fotos/` which represents at the root of the server (http://localhost/fotos/), not as `/localhost/fotos/`.
i went for the easy way, define a parameter for absolute or relative path:
`define('ABSOLUTE_ALBUMFOLDER', false);`
(of course, overridden in zp-config.php to true)
`function getAlbumFolder($root=SERVERPATH) {
global $_zp_conf_vars;
if (!array_key_exists('album_folder', $_zp_conf_vars)) {
$_zp_conf_vars['album_folder'] = ALBUMFOLDER;
return zp_conf('album_folder');
else {
return $root . zp_conf('album_folder');
Comments set to allow
Moderate is NOT checked
Spam filter set to none
I get this error
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zpc_comments` (imageid, name, email, website, comment, inmoderation, date) VALUES ('20', 'danfrei', 'editedout@editedout.com', 'http://www.chilifrei.net', 'DROPPED!!!', '', NOW()) ) Failed. Error: Out of range value adjusted for column 'inmoderation' at row 1
This is after a clean upgrade from so looks like maybe a default option not getting put in the DB problem like some of the other things.
Otherwise lookin great.. Ill keep pluggin away at it.
Once I go back in and choose the forgiving option. my comments go into moderation.
And unless I am missing something when I uncheck them, I would assume they would no longer be flagged as in moderation. But all I can do after I uncheck them is press the Delete selected comments button. And if i press it (with the moderation checkbox unchecked)... they go right back to being checked. I cannot save it unchecked. Am I missing something there?
The sql error is another case of your mySql complaining about a value of false. I'll get that fixed in the next update. Keep trying things since I don't see those errors.
Craig (thinkdreams) did the Akismet plugin. Hope he is monitoring this thread and will look into the detection.
Sounds reasonable. If you are comfortable that it all works, go ahead and release it to the SVN.
i have right now upgraded to comunity build and a can say that it is great
Take a look here:
Sorting of this album is to "filename" but it looks like it is reversed some way. Image which should be first is first on second page. Another one is that two images are shown two times in this album...
I know that i'm not using themes which is modified for this new build but i have tested it with default theme (dark) and it was the same.
Otherwise good work, and i hope 1.1 will be here soon:)
Best regards
p.s.: i was thinking about creating an issue in trac, but i'm not 100% sure if it isn't just error in theme which i am using. so take a look at it please and let me know if i have to put it in trac.
all attempts to change album foldername and path went ok. I have added the patch in ticket 101