So I'm working on a site with a bunch of other jquery stuff and it seems as if I have some interference.
I need php zp_apply_filter('theme_head') so the login/logout script works and so the admin toolbox works. (login should pop up the colorbox login script as well).
Here something weird too - w/o php zp_apply_filter('theme_head') and I'm logged in all the JS works fine...but of course the logout link doesn't work...when I'm logged out my JS doesn't work (JS is a dropdown menu)
I can't get both to co-exist - any suggestions?
It's always nice to talk things out! HA
For a dropdown menu you actaully don't even need JS in modern browsers at all. The ZP backend drop down is pure CSS. Take a look here:
The menu I referred to is great because the design is just an example. They just provide a general setup you can restyle at a will.