I'm new here and a bit confused right now. I want to add the 3 latest comments to my gallery-indexpage. I found
http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/wiki/ZenphotoHacks#RecentCommentsCustomFunction but my php knowledge is limited and the FAQ didn't help much. In other words I have no clue how to add this function to my gallery. So can anyone point me in the right direction?
It is recommended that you put this code in a file called custom-functions.php and include it at the top of your theme files using this code: <?php require_once ('custom-functions.php'); ?>
What this will do is allow you to upgrade zenphoto without having to modify the zenphoto code every time you upgrade.
Can anyone take a look at it and fix it. Thanks in advance!
/* Show Latest Comments */
/* http://anton.gektoras.lt/2007/05/15/zenphoto-addons/ */
function my_truncate_string($string, $length) {
if (strlen($string)> $length) {
$short = substr($string, 0, $length);
return $short. '...';
} else {
return $string;
function printLatestComments($number) {
echo '<div id="showlatestcomments">';
echo '
';- <div class="commentmeta"><a href="';
';$comments = query_full_array("SELECT c.id, i.title, i.filename, a.folder, a.title AS albumtitle, c.name, c.website,"
. " c.date, c.comment FROM ".prefix('comments')." AS c, ".prefix('images')." AS i, ".prefix('albums')." AS a "
. " WHERE c.imageid = i.id AND i.albumid = a.id ORDER BY c.id DESC LIMIT $number");
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
$author = $comment['name'];
$album = $comment['folder'];
$image = $comment['filename'];
$albumtitle = $comment['albumtitle'];
if ($comment['title'] == "") {
$title = $image;
} else {
$title = $comment['title'];
$website = $comment['website'];
$comment = my_truncate_string($comment['comment'], 40);
$link = $author.' commented on '.$albumtitle.' / '.$title ;
$short_link = my_truncate_string($link, 40);
echo '
if (zp_conf('mod_rewrite') == false) {
echo WEBPATH.'/index.php?album='.urlencode($album).'&image='.urlencode($image).'/"';
} else {
echo WEBPATH.'/'.$album.'/'.$image.'" ';
echo 'title="'.$link.'">';
echo $short_link.':</div><div class="commentbody">'.$comment.'</div>
echo '
echo '</div>';
On the other hand, there is a function for this: `printLatestComments($number)` which you might rather use. It is part of template-functions.php.
We are hard at work and should shortly have an updated function guide posted on the zenphoto site.
It is still being worked on, but is pretty complete.