We love those 1's! This is a bugfix release for Zenphoto 1.1, which includes a few new features you can see
in the changelog, full list here:
http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/query?milestone=1.1.1&order=priorityUpgrading should be a snap, just copy over your 1.1 and run /zp-core/upgrade.php . If upgrading from pre-1.1, just follow the instructions on the front page of zenphoto.org.
Thanks to Stephen (sbillard) for all his hard work on this release, and the whole dev team as usual for helping out.
As usual, post questions or concerns here, and bug reports on Trac. Thanks!
The 1.1.1 version is not available as version...
Was the same case with 1.1 when you released it.
`Division by zero in /home/glassham/public_html/gallery/zp-core/template-functions.php on line 207
Pretty sure it started only after I merged / deleted the new slim version of zp-config.php with my existing config file.
Any suggestions please?
I'm trying to do a fresh install and I'm getting the error:
MySQL Query ( SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `options` ) Failed. Error: Table 'bombwp.options' doesn't exist
It looks like your zenphoto tables haven't been created. You may need to run the setup script.
This error appeared on setup.php which I thought was supposed to create the tables. I'm 100% sure I have the dbhost, username and password etc all ok.
hellweaver666 - That is likely a bug in the setup from the shift to database-only options. it's a bit of a tricker, since the options db table needs to be created first.... For now I believe if you create the table manually (using phpMyAdmin or similar) then it will allow you to run setup. This will be fixed for the next bugfix release, 1.1.2, very soon.
I have the same problem as hellweaver666. I tracked it down to what I think might be a bug.
If you're on a clean install and don't have an options table:
setup.php includes admin-functions.php
which includes classes.php
which includes auth_zp.php
which includes functions-db.php
which on line 110 calls getOption('server_protocol')
but, there's no options table yet because I'm trying to run setup.php!
I tried commenting out that one line, but that doesn't quite work though it gets farther. There's a similar problem with getOption('admin_email') at line 161 of admin-functions when trying to printLoginForm.
I had to temporarily set WEBPATH and SERVERPATH for setup to finish, and then _unset_ them afterwards, but I think things are working now...
In the future I'll try to test setup and upgrade before a release (actually a list of testing steps before release, or unit testing would be great), especially with such a large change.
Upgrading tables...
Cleaning up...
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /mnt/147/sdb/9/f/maxime.goepp/zenphoto/zp-core/class-gallery.php on line 437
You can now View your gallery, or administrate."
Could you supply some more information? What is (was) in your cache folder? The failure is when trying to clean out the cache.
and now get the "
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `zen_options` ) Failed. Error: Table 'maxime_goepp.zen_options' doesn't exist
It looks like your zenphoto tables haven't been created. You may need to run the setup script." error message while instaling.
I've checked my zp-config.php file which seems well defined. My databse is OK too ...
I'm a bit disapointed
Yup, upgrade fixed it. A warning that I (or anyone that) missed the obvious would be v. useful.