Garland - Left menu list

Is there a way to compress the left menu included with the Garland theme?
The menu is extracted and really long due to my subfolders.

Site =

Thanks in adavnce.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Currently not, it simply not implemented. I plan to rewrite it (the theme is by aitf311)), so that only the subalbums of the current selected main album are shown and of course more than the first subalbum level. But please be patient...

    But you could switch to a drop down jump menu, but you have to edit it on the theme pages. Here are the possible options:

    <?php printAlbumMenu($option1,$option2,$id1,$active1,$id2,$active2); ?>

    $option1 =
    "list" for the menu as a list like in wordpress
    "jump" for a space saving jump menu
    This option must be set.

    $option2 =
    "count" shows the number of images in the album in brackets behind the album name
    "" = for no image numbers

    Example: If you want a list without counter write this:
    <?php printAlbumMenu("list",""); ?>

    The CSS parameters are optional if you want specific CSS to style. If not leave blank.
    $id = Insert here the ID for the main album menu like this: "mainmenu".
    $active1 = Insert the ID for the currently active album link
    $class = Insert here the CLASS for the sub album sub menu if you want to style it differently than the main menu
    $active2 = Insert the ID for the currently active subalbum link.
    Of course these parameters are useless with the jump menu option.

    Another possibility is to delete the subalbum loop of the function. This part:

    //* open sublist for subalbums */

    // check if any subalbums are available. If then open sublist for subalums

    for ($nr2 = 1;$nr2 <= $number; $nr2++)<br />

    if ($idnr[$nr] === $parentid[$nr2])

    { echo "
      n"; break; }
      // subalbum subloop start
      for ($nr2 = 1;$nr2 <= $number; $nr2++)<br />
      // check if any subalbums are available
      if ($idnr[$nr] === $parentid[$nr2])
      if ($imagecount[$nr2] == " (0)") // prevent "(0)" behind main albums if you only have subalbums with images
      { $imagecount[$nr2] = ""; }
      // if check if the subalbum is the currently selected album
      if ($title[$nr2] === getAlbumTitle())
      { echo "
    • ".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr2])."".$imagecount[$nr2]."
    • n"; }
      { echo "
    • ".htmlspecialchars($title[$nr2])."".$imagecount[$nr2]."
    • n";
      } // subalbum loop end
      // close subalbums sublist (only printed if there are subalbums)
      for ($nr2 = 1;$nr2 <= $number; $nr2++)<br />
      if ($idnr[$nr] === $parentid[$nr2])
      { echo "
    n"; break; }


  • Thanks for the quick reply, worked great -
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