I have my main albums (as categories) listed on the index page. I'd like to get a direct lik to the first subalbum in that category/main album.
Then, on the album page, i'd like to include a list of all the subalbums with the same parentid.
Is there a way to do this??
What I need is to pass the ID from a mainalbum (where parentID=NULL) listed on the indexpage to the albumpage. Something like :
- &parentid=11">Houses
<?php endwhile; ?>
`<?php while (next_album()): ?>
On the albumpage, I capture the ID, run a query through the subalbums, based on this and, I get a list of the subalbums in this mainalbum.
I know mod_rewrite will be fucked up, but I'm not planning to use it.
I can't seem to capture the ID of the parentalbums, however.
This is driving me nuts. Some help would be very appreciated!
But, you have to be careful. Gallery level albums do not have a parent, so it should probably be:
`$parent = $_zp_current_album->getParent();
if (!is_null($parent)) { $id = $paretn->getAlbumId(); } else { ??? }`
I'm trying to create a whole different navigation on the client level - will use main albums as buttons who pass directly to sublevel album with highest ranking. Sublevel album will have integrated navigation to albums with same parent.
If this works, I will share. It might be usefull to someone. I have to say the admin part in the new version is brilliant!
Thanks again.
I am planning to update it and thought about using the folder path table in the db for that somehow. Probably you will be quicker. Maybe we could join the functions afterwards.