No thumbnails in 1.1.X

Hi all,

I'm running fine zenphoto since 2 years!
But, I have some problem. I have upgraded 1.0.8 to 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1 and 1.1.2
Since the upgrade to 1.1.0 I have problem with thumbnails.
Apparently the upgrade worked well, but when I upload new pics in a new album, the thumbnails have not been generated for this new gallery.
Chmod is 700 (I can't change chmod to 777, my ISP ( does not recognize chmod ftp commande
Commande : SITE CHMOD 770 albums
Réponse : 500 'SITE': command unrecognized.)
Mode_rewrite is off
I did a refresh database, and a precached image, no thumbnails, the image is well uploaded clicking to the link show the pic.

What can I do ?

THX a lot.


  • Zenphoto has to be able to write to the cache folder. However, that should not be different from the 1.0.8 release. Can you check to see if there are files in the cache folder?
  • I have more informations:
    I notice that all my pics with size 1600x1200 and less have thumbnail, but all the pics with size 3072x2304 have no thumbnails.
    The strange thing is that in 1.0.8 they were displayed correctly

    May be that can help...
  • Yes there is some files in cahe directory, I erased all this file and do a "pre-cache images" and th thumbnails are generated. Not for the pics metioned above.
  • Most likely this is a memory limit issue. Maybe v1.1x has grown enough to cause problems. I am not an expert on PHP memory, though, so this is just a guess.
  • So may be there is a quota set by my ISP ...
  • Well I have check my php config and I saw that :
    memory_limit 32M

    Do you think is not enough for zenphoto?

  • I have the same issue, large size --- no thumbs. My intall is a fresh, not upgrade. Please advise on other possible solutions!
  • I found a solution in my case.... I use "1and1" as my hosting vendor and by default they Apache uses PHP4 unless changed. I just added this line to the ".htaccess file...

    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    And now all works fine. Hope this helps!

  • Great, thanks for the tip. I'll get it put on the wiki
  • trisweb Administrator
    @jean - I believe 32M Memory limit is not quite enough for 3072x2304 images. For that you need at least 64M, probably more.

    32M should be good for 2048x1536 or smaller. Sorry for that limitation.
  • I have checked i.php in V1.0.8 and V1.1.2 and it contains:

    in V1.0.8 it worked very well (with large images) and in V1.1.2 it's not working ... may be memory_limit is not the thumbnails problem ...
  • trisweb Administrator
    That is possible. Can we have the site URL so we can look at it? Thank you.
  • see the gallery here
    In V1.0.8 the galerry Julian 21 to Julian 14 were fine but since 1.1.2 they have no thumbnails

    You can have more infos here

    THX for your support
  • Hello,
    Did you see something wrong?

    I'm seriously thinking of going back to 1.0.8.
    Do you think that downgrade to 1.0.8 is possible?
  • Downgrading should be no problem if you still have the files. Just remove everything but you album and load up the 1.0.8 release.
  • trisweb Administrator
    I looked at the installation and your images and it looks like downgrading to 1.0.8 will have no effect... zenphoto will not be able to process those images.

    Perhaps there has been a memory amount change on the server since you installed zenphoto, and the old images were still cached so were still displayed. When you upgrade, the cache is cleared, and the new memory limit doesn't work with your large images.

    I recommend either contacting the host to increase the memory limit for PHP, or simply upload smaller images. No photo software using PHP/GD will be able to resize those images within that limit. Sorry about that.
  • It has been a long time from last update of this topic, but I had the same problem with thumbnails from big files. Now I'm sure it is the memory_limit parameter in php.ini, i.e. photo 8,000x8,000 has 64MB (Black&White), for color photos you have to multiple this by 4 bytes of color information and this give 256MB!!! So for photos up to 4,000x4,0000 you need to set memory_limit parameter in php.ini at lest to 64 MB.
  • You should also be aware that the memory limit is only an advisory setting. No guarentee that hte script will actually get that much memory--that depends also on how much memory the server has to offer.

    Bottom line--if you are getting memory exhausted errors the images need to be smaller.
  • I just installed the new version too. I'm having problems with the cache although my pictures are not very large. Any suggestion:

    I also have "1und1" as a my provider.
    I tried this AddType x-mapp-php5 .php but that didn't help. How can I force the thumb pictures to be created.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Seems to work correctly on your gallery, I see no broken images.
  • Hi,

    I am having a problem with thumbnails not showing in the gallery and sometimes regular pictures.
    I have modified the .htaccess file to add this line:
    AddType x-mapp-php5 .php

    I have 1and1 as a hosting provider and am currently running php4

    All of my pictures in my albums are less than 300kb.
    If i click all the way through to the final/actual picture, the picture will display.

    I noticed this problem about week ago; i was running zenphoto 1.1 then upgraded to 1.2; though there was no change in being able to view photos.

    I have noticed allot of discussions about the memory size, i am still trying to determine what the memory is set at for my website.
    Though i cant image why photos that are less than 300kb wont display.

    According to 1and1 support site, the max size is 20mb to PHP.

    I have also tried to find how to change the mod_rewrite option but am unable to find where to do that; the only place i can find is in the configuration, where i have the check box unchecked as if i do check the box, my gallery stops working.

    I will email 1and1 support to find out how to change my memory allocation for php.

    Though is there something else that i should be looking at to fix/change/modify????
    thanks for your help; I really like zenphoto and am hopefully able to get it to work as it did in the past for me.


    here is my web site where you can see the thumbnails not appear....
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
  • Thank You Acrylian for your help.
    Though i must admit, I checked my site a day later and the images started working correctly using the version 1.2 without me making any further changes.
    The only thing that i can think of, is that i emailed my host (1and1) and ask them about the max memory on PHP. Of which they must have change it to 20Mb, which is the max on an account.

    Thanks again for your help, the forums have been really helpful.
    Also I noticed the slideshow feature on the albums, and that is awesome feature to use.
    I really like what Zenphoto offers for features!!!!!!
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