Hi guys, before I get to my question I just want to thank everyone who has been working on the latest update to Zen...you have all done a great job!!
My Question...now that we have geotagging options along with Google maps I was wondering what programs everyone is using to set up the co-ordinates? I have never used flikr and don't even have an account there, nor do I really want to set one up just for the geotagging.
So what do you recommend for use on the PC to take advantage of this feature?
it will open up google earth, you will pinpoint where you took the picture and its done.
This seems to be my work flow so far although I haven't gotten any final products up (but with the newest update to ZenPhotos I think I'm on my way!
1) I carry a GPS with me when I travel and maniacally download the tracklogs.
2) Take photos, of course
3) Download photos to computer and use Picasa to add description and export subsets at a smaller resolution (usually 640x480 or 480x640)
4) Clean up tracklogs for longer journeys and then use RoboGeo (http://www.robogeo.com/home/)to geocode and geotag the subset of photos.
5) Anything that didn't join on the timestamps I hand geocoded by finding the coordinates in Google Earth or Google Maps.
I was having a hard time finding a photo gallery (that could be integrated with WordPress or Typepad - easily) and had really like ZenPhoto. But when I was first looking they couldn't read the photo EXIF info - I didn't want to do all of my editing online - ick. NOW though I think they are the bee's knees and can't wait to start formatting my albums and adding maps.
The new versions will read my lat/long and descriptions from the EXIF/Ixxx header and I assume that the info is written to a variable somewhere that I will be able to access. That is hwere the playing around will have to occur.